The Utility Office is led by the Utility Manager, Terri Felmlee, and a Utility Office Assistant. Your water/sewage/garbage/recycling bill is mailed to you on or about the second business day of each month and is payable within 20 days from mailing as required by City Ordinance. The water meters are read monthly and billed according to the amount of water you use; the sewage bill is based on your water usage. The current base charge for water and sewage is $24.00 per month. Your utility bill also includes a garbage fee at the current rate of $26.50 and a recycling fee of $10.50. Recycling is mandatory for all City residents according to State law. There should be a City recycling container at each residence; however, if yours is missing, please stop by our office to request a replacement.
All bills are due and payable within 20 days of the mailing date and are subject to a 14% penalty if paid after 4:30 PM on the due date. Any account that has been delinquent for more than 30 days is subject to termination with a reconnect fee of $100.00. All properties will be red-tagged prior to termination when said account has been delinquent for more than 30 days. A $20.00 fee will be added to the utility bill for each red tag placed on the delinquent property. All accounts will be placed in the name of the deeded owner only and a one-time account setup fee of $20.00 will be charged on the first bill for each new account.
*All credit/debit card payments will incur a 2.15% processing fee or a minimum of $3.99, whichever is higher.
For a temporary discontinuance of water service, owners must schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance of that change in service and someone must be present at the time of discontinuance to ensure the water is off. A $20.00 shut-off fee will be charged for the discontinuance and will be reflected on the next bill. A separate $20.00 turn-on fee will be charged upon scheduling an appointment to resume service. Upon discontinuance, the garbage and recycling services will also be stopped; however, a base charge for both water and sewer will continue to be charged. Total removal of all utility charges to the property can only be completed if the property owner obtains a demolition permit for the property from the Department of Code Administration.
All Commercial and Residential customers are required to recycle per Pennsylvania State Act 101 and failure to comply could result in prosecution.
All garbage and recycling services are curbside only and must be placed within 3 feet of the curb. Backyard garbage service is available through the City's refuse contractor, Tri County Industries, Inc., by calling 1-800-457-8202; however, there is an extra fee charged for this backyard service.
Residents are permitted 2 garbage receptacles weekly that can be no larger than 45 gallons and have a maximum weight of 75lbs when full. If necessary, residents are further permitted to dispose of an additional twelve 32-gallon bags (or the equivalent thereof) along with the refuse placed in their standard receptacles. Please limit larger trash items to 1 per week. Wood and tree limbs cannot exceed 48 inches in length and must be bundled or tied. All loose garbage and trash must be containerized in some manner and placed on or near the curb line. City residents are prohibited from placing leaves out for garbage collection.
The following items may be placed in the recycling container: glass (clear and colored), tin, aluminum, steel, and bi-metal cans (removed ends of cans must be placed in the trash), plastics (marked #1-12 and "PETE" and/or "HDPE"), and newsprint (no colored or glossy sections) placed in a plastic bag on top of the recycling can. Recycling materials must be rinsed clean and labels do not need to be removed. Only recycling materials are collected from the City's recycling container, they may not be used as a garbage receptacle. Do not place broken glass, light bulbs, ceramics, crystal, drinking glasses, heat-resistant ovenware, or clay flower pots in the recycling materials.
There are some items that will not be picked up by the refuse collectors such as car parts (mufflers are permitted), tires, items containing Freon (air conditioners and refrigerators), broken concrete, and other refuse from repairs, alterations, and new construction of buildings and sidewalks, ash from fireplaces and wood/coal stoves.
All garbage and recycling are collected on a weekly basis and are to be placed out for collection after 6:00 PM the night before the scheduled pickup. If your garbage and recycling were not picked up on your scheduled day, please call the Utility Department on the same day so we may give the workers a "missed slip" to return the next day. Cans are to be removed from the curbside the same day after collection has been completed. Garbage and Recycling services are delayed by a day when any of the following Holidays fall on a weekday (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day).
View the Garbage Pickup Schedule
The City of Oil City holds three recycling events each year for residents only.
E-Waste: is held in the spring (usually in May) and proof of residency is required. At this event, you can bring such things as computers, laptops, printers, radios, televisions, monitors, microwaves, and VCR/DVD players (air conditioners will NOT be accepted). This event is not open for commercial drop-off.
Tire & yard clutter: is held in the fall (usually in September) and proof of residency is required. At this event, you can bring tires without the rims. There is a limit of 8 tires and a fee of $2.00 per tire over that limit. Also, you can bring miscellaneous items the garbage company does not take at the curb (such as scrap metals, construction material from small projects, etc.) We will NOT accept household hazardous chemicals such as motor oil, paint, batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, etc.
Leaf pickup: is held throughout the late fall and early winter season. For more information, contact the Public Works Department at 814-678-3012.
For information about recycling centers and events held at the county level visit the Venango County website at
When selling your home, you will need to contact the Utility Department to schedule a final meter reading. We need at least one day's notice to schedule the appointment and someone will need to be there to let us in. You will be responsible for the utility bill through the date of the final meter reading. If the buyer of your home has yet to sign up for utility services at the time of your final meter reading, the water will be shut off.
You will need to complete a Utility Contract Application to start service in your name. We recommend filling out the application prior to the seller's final meter reading to avoid having the water shut off. The Utility Contract Application can be found on this website or may be picked up in person at our office. If the water is currently off, call to make an appointment to have it turned on. We need at least one day's notice to schedule an appointment and someone will need to be there to let us in.
The City offers swimming pool filling services to all residents. To make a request, fill out our online application or deliver completed applications to the Utility Department on the first floor of City Hall. All fill requests will be fulfilled by the Oil City Fire Department and are subject to a hydrant hook-up fee in addition to the current usage rates.
Online Application Download Physical Application
Phone: (814) 678 - 3002
Find additional information about your utility bills and pay them online today.
The City of Oil City routinely monitors the quality of your drinking water according to all Federal and State Laws. The Engineering Department prepares a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) annually to help residents stay informed on their water quality. It is required by law that we share this report with all our water customers. If you have any questions pertaining to the CCR or your water utility, please contact the Engineering Department at 814-678-3020 or via the "Contact Us" page.
Can I pay my bill over the phone?
You can pay by phone with a debit or credit card through our call center at 1-888-604-7888. Choose Option 1 and provide the Payment Location Code (PLC) a0034d. You will also need to provide your Customer ID and Service Location ID. The Utility Department cannot accept payment over the phone in their office. All phone payments must be made through the call center.
Why is my bill so high?
A utility bill can have higher charges due to an increase in your normal water usage. This may occur if you've filled a swimming pool, washed down your house, watered your lawn or garden, or had guests staying in your home, just to name a few.
Another reason for increased water usage may be that there is a leak. Having a leak doesn't necessarily mean you will see a puddle on the floor. If your toilet handle sticks and doesn't stop running or if you have dripping faucets your bill can increase rapidly. It's also common for customers to unknowingly develop leaks from their hot water tanks. Check for these common issues to see if you can locate a leak before calling us. If you can't find a reason for the increase in your utility bill, call and schedule an appointment with us to have your meter checked.
I am buying a home. How do I get service turned on in my name?
When buying a home, you need to come to the office to sign up for service. We will also ask to take a copy of your driver's license. If you are not local and can't come into the office, you can print the form from our website, complete it, and mail it along with a copy of your driver's license to 21 Seneca Street, Oil City, PA 16301. You should also contact us to ensure the current owner has scheduled a final reading.
I am buying a home on an article of agreement or a land contract. Can I put services in my name?
No. The water service must be in the deeded owner's name.
I will be away for a while. Can I have my water shut off until I get back?
Yes, but we need a minimum of one day's notice to schedule an appointment and someone must be there so that we may verify the water has been shut off successfully. There will be a $20.00 fee added to your next bill each time your water services are shut off or turned on.
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