Gas service
Address: 1 Relief St, Oil City, PA 16301
Phone: (800) 365-3234
Hours: M-F 8:30am - 4:30pm
Reasons to contact: gas leak, set up new service, inquire about existing service, submit complaints regarding unfinished/unsatisfactory landscaping as a result of a gas company project
Electric Service
Address: 1600 West First Street Oil City PA 16301
Phone: (814) 676-7549 (this calls the local Penelec building)
Report Outage: 1-888-LIGHTSS
Reasons to contact: residential street light outage (take down the pole # for reference), power outage, downed lines, set up new service, inquire about existing service
Internet, TV, and home security
Address: 679 Colbert Ave, Oil City, PA 16301
Phone: (877) 872-6382
Hours: M-F 9am - 5pm
Reasons to contact: set up new service, inquire about existing service, report service outages
Internet, TV, and phone services
Address: View the Store Finder
Phone: 1-800-XFINITY
Hours: 24/7 Customer Support, no physical location in Oil City
Reasons to contact: set up new service, inquire about existing service, report service outages
Although the City's phone number is listed on your bill from Comcast, there is no need to contact us regarding your services. Our contact number is listed as part of the franchise agreement we have with Comcast which allows them to offer their home and business solutions within the City. Please direct any questions or concerns regarding your account to Comcast directly using the contact information above.
Internet, TV, and phone services
Address: View the Store Finder
Phone: 1-800-VERIZON
Hours: 24/7 Customer Support through online chat
Reasons to contact: set up new service, inquire about existing service, report service outages
Water, sewer, garbage and recycling services
Address: 21 Seneca St, Oil City, PA 16301
Phone: (814) 678-3002
Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm
Reasons to contact: set up new service, inquire about existing service, report a problem
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