The Oil City Shade Tree Commission was established in 1977. The Commission oversees tree planting and removal in the utility right-of-way located between the sidewalk and curb. They notify property owners of hazardous trees, when identified, and approve/deny planting or removal permits. They apply for grants to purchase and plant new trees or to assist with general tree maintenance. The Commission is responsible for planning and hosting the City's annual Arbor Day event and memorial tree plantings as requested. Work is closely coordinated with the Community Development and Public Works Departments. A Tree City USA community designation is applied for yearly.
While the City maintains ownership of all shade trees, the adjacent property owner is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the tree.
Current members: Chairman Robin Moon, Susan McGuire, Fred Immediato, and Cheri Pearce. There is one vacancy.
Meeting time: 4th Tuesday of every month, except November and December, is a combined meeting due to the holidays. Meetings are open to the public.
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