City of Oil City, 21 Seneca Street, Oil City, PA 16301
Contact: (814) 678-3012 |
City Hall Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., | Monday - Friday
The City of Oil City operates under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Optional Third Class City Charter Law. The main governing body is a five-member City Council, composed of four City residents and a Mayor. The City Manager serves as the chief administrative officer of the City under the direction of the City Council and is charged with overseeing the operation of City departments, appointing/removing employees, and carrying out the policies established by City Council.
I need to acquire copies of official city documents/records. Who do I contact?
In compliance with Section 504 of the Right-to-Know-Law you may file a request with the City's Open Records Officer. You can find the proper form and contact information on our website or by visiting City Hall during normal business hours.
How do I make a request to City Council?
If you feel you have a topic that requires the attention of City Council, you will be best served by requesting it to be added to the agenda of an upcoming Council meeting. To do so, contact the City Manager's Office at Call 814-678-3012 or submit a request on our website.
For those who need or know someone who requires assistance, we have all the resources you'll need as an Oil City resident all in one convenient location. Find support in the community today.
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