The Department of Code Administration, led by Director Yvonne Green, regulates the maintenance, construction, and demolition of structures and properties within the City. We assist with the acquisition of required permits for projects such as roofing, erecting fences, new buildings, demolition, opening a business, etc. We also enforce the City's property maintenance code which aims to ensure properties are maintained with the interests of public health, safety, and blight remediation in mind.
Our Code Enforcement Officers regularly monitor the City to identify potential violations and additionally accept and respond to concerns from the public. We encourage residents to make us aware of any property that's causing an issue in their neighborhood so we can promptly address the problem. We take pride in our ability to form working relationships with members of our community and develop solutions together.
Travis Hartman, Zoning Enforcement Officer: (814) 678-3016
The Zoning Office is housed within the Department of Code Administration and operates to enforce the City's Zoning Ordinance. Established in 1968 and most recently amended in 1996, the Zoning Ordinance aims to regulate the use of land within Oil City to protect surrounding property values, encourage development that compliments future growth, and implement the objectives of the Oil City Comprehensive Plan.
The Zoning Hearing Board functions to hear any appeals to enforcement notices or determinations given by the Zoning Enforcement Officer as well as requests for a variance or special exception to the Zoning Ordinance. Current board members include Chairman Eric Reamer, Mike Fedorek, Lonnie Knight, Matt Caldwell, and William Hopkins. Please contact the Zoning Office to determine if you will need to schedule a hearing before the Board and for more information on the hearing process.
High Grass and Weeds
Disabled Vehicles
Parking in the Yard or on the Sidewalk
Open Storage and Collection of Items in Public View
Accumulation of Rubbish and Garbage
Improper Placement of a Pool
Erecting a Fence above Height Restrictions
Prior to commencing a demolition project on any primary or accessory structure, a demolition permit must be obtained through the Code Department for each structure being demolished. Obtaining a permit serves to notify the Code Department of the work to be completed so they may inspect the site to ensure work is done properly, as well as notifies the County of a demolition project which may cause a reassessment of the property taxes. Without obtaining a demolition permit, the proper City or County officials may not be aware of the demolition and the property taxes may not be reassessed to exclude the structure which has been razed.
The erection of signs within the City is regulated by our Zoning Ordinance to restrict the use of such signs that may be obstructive, distractive, or have other negative effects on the surrounding neighborhood. To determine if a sign you wish to erect on your property or for your business will be within regulation and to obtain a permit, contact the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Before beginning construction of any primary or accessory structure or deck, performing roofing work, or making other major improvements to your property, a building permit must be obtained and zoning approval acquired. To do this, first, speak with the Zoning Enforcement Officer to determine if your proposed project falls within the guidelines of the Zoning Ordinance. After learning about the applicable zoning regulations and obtaining approval, work with the Department of Code Administration to obtain a building permit, allowing you to commence the work.
Any person or firm wishing to operate a business within Oil City must first apply for and obtain a business license from the Department of Code Administration and renew such license on a yearly basis. Landlords for any residential or commercial buildings must also obtain a license. If your business is new to the City, please work with the Zoning Enforcement Officer to determine if your potential business location is zoned to accommodate your type of business.
Any person who owns a rental unit within the City shall be responsible for submitting this form to the Code Department. In this report, the property owner shall provide the names and addresses of all persons 18 years of age or older who reside in each rental they are responsible for. The provisions of this section of the code were enacted to provide for the uniform and equitable collection of earned income, residence, and per-capita taxes levied within the City. The form also gives property owners the opportunity to list the contact information for other parties who have a stake in or are responsible for the property so they may be contacted by the Code Department in the event of an emergency or to be notified of a property maintenance issue.
The owner of any property which is considered vacant or abandoned, as defined by ordinance, shall submit a registration form for the property to the Department of Code Administration and ensure the structure is locked up and secured from unauthorized entry. Registration of such properties assists the Code Department in keeping track of vacant properties which can become blighting influences or public nuisances over time. We ask that all owners of vacant structures speak with the Code Department to register their property as such and to formulate a plan to bring the property back into productive operation.
Often when asked to remove electronic waste or old tires from a property, which the trash services won't pick up, property owners ask us how to get rid of them. The perfect way is to find out when the next tire or electronic waste disposal day will be. Once per year and on separate occasions, the Utility Department organizes a waste disposal day at the City Garage for tires and electronics. This is a no-cost and hassle-free solution if you have no other means to dispose of these items. Check out our calendar to find out when the next one will be.
Phone: (814) 678 - 3003
Location: 1st Floor of City Hall
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