In addition to supplying water for all residents, the City also sells water to both Cornplanter Township and Cranberry Township. All water is sourced from dug and drilled wells along the Allegheny River. The City has been very active in water line replacements and water pump station upgrades in the last fifteen years (a combination of work being completed in-house by City personnel and work being done by contracted companies).
If you have an after-hours emergency, please contact the police department immediately. Non-emergency questions can be answered by filling out the contact form below.
The Oil City Water Department currently employs ten full-time water operators, all of which hold a state water operator license and attend continuing education to keep up to date with current regulations. The Director is Jason Herman, who can be reached at (814) 678-3012. These licensed employees work tirelessly to maintain vital infrastructure and equipment responsible for producing and distributing 100% of the water sold within City limits.
The water service line running from the curb shut-off to the house is the owners' responsibility. If it is leaking, the line will need to be replaced or repaired. Check with the Oil City Code Department prior to starting any work on the service line. A plumbing permit may be required. A PA One Call must also be completed prior to digging. Simply call 811 or 800-242-1776 and utility representatives will come to locate other utilities that may be buried in the area.
If a galvanized steel pipe serves your home, replacing it is the only solution. Repairs typically last only a few days.
The pipe used to replace the service line can be "K" copper or copper tubing size HDPE, 200 PSI rating, with stainless steel stiffeners. The minimum size is 3/4 inch. All the fittings must be designed to be used underground. When using HDPE, a tracer wire must be installed. The new line should be buried at least four feet deep. Frost levels do not normally get this deep so your waterline will be protected. The City's Engineering Department is able to provide more specifications as you prepare to work on the project. Reach the department at 814-678-3020 or via the "Contact Us" page.
When digging near and around the curb box, be careful! This is where trouble occurs. If the line is broken here it makes a big, muddy mess. In this area, the ditch needs to be at least two feet wide and big enough for someone to work in. When the new pipe is ready to be connected, call the Engineering Department at 814-678-3020 and someone will be sent to the site.
Contact the Engineering Department
The City of Oil City routinely monitors the quality of your drinking water according to all Federal and State Laws. A Consumer Confidence Report is prepared annually to help residents stay informed on their water quality. It is required by law that we share this annual report with all our water customers.
This brochure was developed to make our community aware of the importance of proper disposal of prescription medications. We encourage all residents to take advantage of our Pharmaceutical Take-Back program by disposing of outdated and unused medications in the Police Department Lobby.
This brochure was developed to make our community aware of the importance of protecting our water supply. Once groundwater becomes contaminated, the cleanup often takes many years and can be very costly. It is in our community's best interest to take the proper precautions to prevent contaminants from entering our groundwater.
What kind of concerns should I report to the Water Department?
Please contact us if you notice any water surfacing on the ground that isn't normally there or if you hear strange noises coming from your water meter or plumbing. These instances can be reported M-F, 8 AM - 4 PM by calling 814-678-3020. If you have an emergency outside of these hours, please contact the Police Department at 814-678-3080.
I need to do some repair work on my lines. What should I do?
If your service lines need repaired or replaced, you should first contact the Oil City Code Department to determine if a plumbing permit is needed. When you are almost ready to commence work, call PA One Call to have all underground utilities located.
I'm installing a new waterline and would like to tap into the City's water main. What should I do?
Contact the Engineering Department with your plans. A tap-in fee will be assessed based on the project specifications.
Does the City maintain a source water protection plan?
Yes, the City has an extensive source water protection plan. However, due to regulations imposed by Homeland Security, we maintain the plan privately so as to protect the location of our wells and other key water system sights.
Where can I learn more about water conservation?
Water conservation materials are currently offered on our website, in the lobby of City Hall, and by contacting the Engineering Department at 814-678-3020 or through the "Contact Us" page. For more information, take a look at the American Water Works Association's webpage
How can I learn about the quality of my water?
Review the annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) on our website. To have a hard copy mailed to you, please contact the Engineering Department at 814-678-3020 or through the "Contact Us" page.
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