Fire prevention and education is the most life-saving activity that any fire department does. Remember, no one that ever had a fire expected it to happen to them. The three simple things you can do to be prepared for the unfortunate event of a fire in your home are:
Sleep with your door closed. Again, smoke is the killer in a fire. It's silent and deadly. A closed door is your line of defense from the dangers of smoke and fire. The fire service has learned through numerous studies the importance of hindering air movement in a fire building. Simply put, fire follows the path of least resistance. An open door gives fire and smoke a place to go. A simple closed door increases survival times if you are trapped. PARENTS: CLOSE YOUR KID'S DOOR. We know it's hard. Our children are the most important things in our lives, and we know you want to keep them safe and be able to "hear them."
The safest thing you can do for them is close their door while they're sleeping.
The Oil City Fire Department offers training in first aid, CPR, and STOP THE BLEED. Contact us for more information.
Sudden cardiac arrest causes brain death in minutes. The best chance a person in cardiac arrest has to survive is when bystanders get involved. Learn how with this quick link and contact the Oil City Fire Department to schedule your CPR class today.
A stroke is a true, time sensitive emergency. Minutes matter. Every second wasted means brain cells dying. Stroke care is evolving every day. Doctors can do things today that they couldn't do even 5 years ago. This is all dependent on people recognizing the signs and symptoms of a stroke and CALLING 911 IMMEDIATELY. Learn how to help here:
In the case of an injury with severe bleeding, a person has minutes before blood loss becomes fatal. This means bystanders have to be the responder. Learn what to do in these emergencies with this link and contact the Oil City Fire Department to schedule your Stop the Bleed class today. It's free and it can SAVE A LIFE.
Chest pain is one of our most common EMS calls. Learn the signs of a heart attack and NEVER HESITATE TO CALL 911.
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