On Friday, September 13, 2024, the City of Oil City will be having its annual Tire Recycling Program. This event will be held at the City Garage on Regan Drive in Siverly from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Only non-commercial, rimless tires will be accepted. There is a limit of 8 tires per city residential customer and a fee of $2.00 per tire over 8. Proof of residency will be required. Any questions please call the Utility Office at 814-678-3002.
Yard Clutter
There will also be a dumpster available for items the garbage company does not take at the curbside, such as scrap metals and construction material (e.g. lumber and plasterboard from small construction projects). We will NOT accept household hazardous chemicals such as motor oil, paint, batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, etc.
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